Bernd Flack
Chief Financial Officer

Bernd Flack has held several high-tech Senior Executive management positions in Telecommunication and Information Technology sector over the past twenty years.
He is currently Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Managing Director of Unified National Networks (UNN), the leader in telecommunications infrastructure services in Brunei Darussalam. His experience in telecommunication gained Bernd in Interim mandates as CFO and CEO at Telecommunication providers in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa.
Prior to UNN, Bernd was CEO at T-Systems Solutions for Research, responsible for solution provisioning for Research Institutions in Aerospace and Applied Research Institutions.
He graduated in Economics in 1979 and Information Technology in 1988. After graduating, he qualified as a software engineer. Bernd was previously appointed Chairman of the Board of “Höchstleistungsrechner für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft” (HWW) and representing Malawi Telecommunication Ltd. as a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).